AboutMexico's DiversityvideoExplore
Invertebrate Mexico
Current Knowldege
Hypothesis and Questions
Study site
Baseline Population Study
Daily Rhythm
Goby Hole Densities
Gobies per hole
Size of goby and shrimp
Predicted Results
Predator Exclusion Study
Cage Construction
Set-up in Bay
Predator Exclusion Study
Rotation timetable
Predicted Results

Set-up in the bay

The set up of my cages will be constricted to the north end of the bay. I do not want to set the cages up in multiple areas of the bay. If I did, I would introduce another variable to the data, as goby numbers will vary slightly across the bay. With the limited number of cages that I have, I want to have the best statistical chance of showing a difference.

Thus, set-up in the bay will be two rows of cages, each row will have 3 cages. Thus, there will be a total of 6 cages. They will be placed 15 feet away from each other.