AboutMexico's DiversityvideoExplore
Invertebrate Mexico
Current Knowldege
Hypothesis and Questions
Study site
Baseline Population Study
Daily Rhythm
Goby Hole Densities
Gobies per hole
Size of goby and shrimp
Predicted Results
Predator Exclusion Study
Cage Construction
Set-up in Bay
Predator Exclusion Study
Rotation timetable
Predicted Results


I would like to thank the following people for their help so far.

Dr.Parrish - for his speeding review of reports that I give him and for his helpful feedback

Dr. Tricas - for his comments about behaviour and usefull suggestions for my study

Dr. Losey - for usefull comments and letting me fill his new 12 foot tanks (with scrachable plastic faces) up with sand!