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Invertebrate Mexico
Current Knowldege
Hypothesis and Questions
Study site
Baseline Population Study
Daily Rhythm
Goby Hole Densities
Gobies per hole
Size of goby and shrimp
Predicted Results
Predator Exclusion Study
Cage Construction
Set-up in Bay
Predator Exclusion Study
Rotation timetable
Predicted Results

To determine the effect of predators in the bay, fences must be constructed to keep predators from affecting the shrimp-goby pair.

I have decided that one of the easiest cages to build is a 12’ by 12’ cage (using only 10’ by 10’ in the middle.) I then use a 50’ section (with a few extra feet left over) of orange plastic mesh (cheaper than chicken wire and a probably a bit more durable) and wrap it around 4 T-posts that I pound in with a post-driver. Then the stakes will be driven in around the 10’X10’ plot and fishing wire strung in-between so that there is a grid of 100 squares.

It will be impossible to exclude ALL predators in the cages as there are lizardfish that are exactly the same size as gobies swimming around. The fish I plan on excluding will be the large roaming predators seen in the bay including goatfish, hammerhead sharks, and jacks. This should also exclude eels over 1 inch in diameter.